There is nothing more beautiful in the world than a confident smile. It can make a lasting impression and amicably communicate your point. You can also master such a beautiful and powerful smile with a dental braces treatment in Bridgeport TX. The therapy has merit in correcting the alignment of your teeth and creating the picture-perfect smile you have always dreamed of. 

This blog will scout through the different types of dental brace treatments you can get at clinics like Wise Dental to transform your smile.

1. Traditional Braces

Traditional or metal braces are the most prevalent braces among orthodontic treatments. They primarily consist of metal brackets and wires attached to the teeth, which work together to shift them into their correct positions gradually. While people have concerns about their appearance for the duration of treatment, the braces have become smaller and more comfortable.

Traditional braces are effective in treating a wide range of orthodontic problems cost-effectively. Whether you have crowded teeth, gaps, or a misaligned bite, traditional braces can help.

2. Invisalign

Invisalign or clear braces are gaining popularity among people because of their discreetness. These aligners are virtually invisible owing to their material. Invisalign is made from clear, medical-grade plastic to make the treatment more aesthetically appealing. For the treatment, doctors bring a series of custom-made aligners, replacing them every few weeks to shift your teeth into alignment.

The Invisalign offers the benefit of being removable. They are easy to remove while eating, drinking, or brushing, thus allowing a scope of convenience and hygiene. Even so, you should wear the aligners for at least 20-22 hours daily for the best results.

3. Esthetic Braces

Esthetic or ceramic braces are the middle ground between traditional braces and Invisalign aligners. The braces here are made from tooth-colored ceramic or explicit materials that blend in with your natural teeth. It promotes a discreet visual. 

Esthetic braces at Wise Dental are the best option for individuals that need traditional braces but wish for a more aesthetic look. These braces are less noticeable than their metallic counterparts, yet equally effective. They may cost more than metal braces, but people find the cost worthy of the aesthetic benefits.

4. Acceledent

Acceledent is one of the revolutionary discoveries of medical science that accelerates orthodontic treatment to the next level. Acceledents are small, handheld devices emitting gentle vibrations or micro pulses that stimulate tooth movement. In conjunction with braces or aligners, Acceledants can shorten the duration of treatment for misalignment by approximately 50 percent.

The best thing about acceledents is their simplicity and non-invasiveness. They are easily integrated into the daily routine, with you needing to spare only 20 minutes daily. Acceledent accelerates bone remodeling, allowing teeth alignment to occur more quickly, reducing your orthodontic treatment's overall duration.


Beautiful smiles are now within your reach! Contact the best braces dentist in Bridgeport, TX, to determine the best option for your teeth. In addition to beautifying your smiles, Wise Dental helps you regain lost self-esteem to live a joyful life.